# Highly Encouraged Practices

The following section describes a set of best practices that we highly encourage each rider to follow to mitigate their risk of theft.

# Always Log Parking

When you submit your claim, we first check to see if you satisfied all of the basic requirements. The first of these requirements is that you logged parking prior to the theft. Of course, this means that you could choose not to log parking sometimes, perhaps because you believe the risk to be low, because you’re in a hurry, or because you simply forgot. Because a thief can steal your vehicle any time you park, we strongly encourage that all members log parking every time they park. By making logging parking habitual, you ensure that you have at least satisfied this basic requirement if you become the unfortunate victim of theft.

# Park at Stables as Much As Possible

The most irrefutable evidence of theft is video footage of the theft occurring. Parking at Stables (that is, camera-monitored spots) increases the chance that you can obtain this video footage. For claims that appear suspicious—such as those filed soon after a member joins, or where the context of the situation is otherwise unusual or indicative of a potential fraudulent claim—security camera footage can be very convincing evidence that makes it significantly easier for the Company to approve of your claim. Moreover, thieves are less likely to commit crimes in camera-monitored areas, so parking at Stables should reduce the chance you’ll even fall victim to theft in the first place.

# Map Stables for Other Members to Find

If Stables are safer, more secure parking spots for micromobility vehicles, then we should discover and share them with others in the community. Members that map Stables are actively giving back to the micromobility community, and doing their part to encourage riders to replace more car trips with micromobility trips. When we process a claim, we examine how many Stables the member has mapped—and thereby consider how much this member has contributed to the micromobility community. Doing so is not required to be a StableCare Member, but members who actively map Stables will be considered with greater deference than members who don’t map Stables. Think of this like positive karma for contributing to the community. As an added bonus, you’ll be able to use Stable Tokens awarded for mapping Stables for various prizes and be entered into raffles!

# Use Multiple Locks

If a thief is deciding which vehicle to steal, they will likely target whichever vehicle is easiest to steal. Using two or more locks—especially when parking in riskier areas—should significantly reduce your risk of theft. If you plan to use multiple locks, just make sure that one of those locks is the anchor lock that you used to register for StableCare! Remember that two locks that qualify for StableCare Gold create Alchemy and automatically make you eligible for StableCare Diamond!

# Get an Angle Grinder-Resistant Lock

Modern angle grinders can cut through almost any lock in a matter of 5-10 seconds—except for angle-grinder resistant locks like the Litelok X1, Litelok X3, or Hiplok D1000. We believe these locks are a worthwhile investment, and will greatly reduce your risk of theft. Plus, you will be eligible for StableCare Diamond, which will reduce your cost for theft protection by 40%!