# What is StableCare?

StableCare is a theft protection membership for your e-scooter, e-bike, or other micromobility vehicle. We provide coverage for vehicles that traditional insurance companies won't protect, like e-scooters and e-bikes with electric motors that are above 750W.

Getting coverage is as easy as becoming a member and logging each time you park within the app. For more info about StableCare, continue reading this documentation and review our Terms and Conditions

Have a specific question? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.

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# How do I get StableCare?

The process of getting StableCare is easy!

  1. Download the Stable App for Android or iOS.
  2. Create an account
  3. Register the vehicle you want coverage for and at least one lock that is eligible for StableCare.
  4. Under the StableCare tab, click "Get a Quote" (or the + icon next to "My Quotes")
  5. Select your vehicle, lock(s), alarm (if you registered one), and referral code (if you have one; if not, just ask for one at hello@stablemobility.io)
  6. Pick the membership option that's right for you in the quote
  7. Complete the checkout process

That's it! Your StableCare coverage goes into effect immediately. After you become a StableCare Member, you'll be asked to complete a few items to complete your membership within the app, which we require that you complete before you are allowed to submit a theft claim.

# How does StableCare theft protection work?

Enjoying theft protection under your StableCare Membership is simple.

  1. When parking your vehicle, lock it up with the lock(s) associated with your membership.
  2. Once it's locked up, use the "Log Parking" feature in the app to snap a quick photo of your locked up vehicle. Try and make sure we can see the lock and how it is securing the vehicle to the object that you're locking to.

There are a few basic requirements for your vehicle to be protected during your parking session.

  1. Your vehicle must be properly locked up. If someone can separate your vehicle from your lock(s) without picking the lock(s), using any tools, or substantially disassembling the vehicle, then your vehicle is not properly locked up. Proper lock-ups can only be defeated by using specialized tools, like angle grinders, to defeat your lock(s).
  2. Your vehicle must be locked to a substantially immovable object, such as a bike rack. If the bike rack is not bolted/cemented to the ground, but is big and heavy such that it would require multiple people to lift and steal the bike rack with your vehicle attached to it, then it's substantially immovable. We're not going to deny you on a technicality here; but if the object you lock to can be easily moved or destroyed (e.g., a wooden post, a very rusty street sign, a small object that can be moved by removing a few common bolts or screws, etc.), we may deny your claim.
  3. You cannot lock up your vehicle unattended for very long periods of time. For now, we plan on only providing coverage for parking sessions up to 12 hours long. If you need coverage for specific extended cases (e.g., parking at the airport for more than 12 hours), feel free to reach out to us and ask about your specific case at hello@stablemobility.io - we'll let you know if we will cover it.

For a more thorough explanation of the requirements, see our Terms and Conditions.

# What kinds of memberships are available?

StableCare Memberships come in three (3) different tiers: Gold, Diamond, and Steel. Each of these membership tiers provides theft coverage for your vehicle, but are designed for different types of riders and have slightly different eligibility requirements.

Tier Membership Periods Minimum Lock Requirement Number of Parking Sessions Cost
Gold Annual, Seasonal* Sold Secure Gold (Pedal) Unlimited $$$
Diamond Annual, Seasonal* Sold Secure Diamond (Powered) Unlimited $$
Steel Life of Vehicle** Sold Secure Gold (Pedal) Num. of Guardian Passes*** $

* Seasonal memberships extend from April 1 to November 1, which we also refer to as the "riding season".

** Steel memberships require payment of a refundable deposit. Steel memberships expire when we return your deposit back to you, or when you submit a claim that we approve and make a payment to you.

*** To get theft protection under a Steel membership, you must use a single parking session Guardian Pass. If you run out of Guardian Passes and do not purchase more, you will not have theft protection.

# Gold

StableCare Gold Memberships are designed for riders who park their vehicle away from home at least a few times per month and have one good lock that can only be defeated by power tools or a skilled lockpicker.

At Gold tier, we offer annual and seasonal memberships. If you ride year-round, the annual membership is probably the right choice for you. If you only ride during the warmer months of the year, or don't park outside during the winter months, then a seasonal membership can save you some money.

While seasonal memberships are more affordable than annual ones, you may notice that the effective monthly price for seasonal memberships is higher compared to annual memberships. This is because, statistically speaking, the rate of theft is substantially higher during the warmer months than the winter months. Depending on the city you live in, as high as 87% of all thefts occur between April and October.

Source: BikeNapped

To be eligible for StableCare Gold, you must have a lock that meets the Sold Secure Gold (Pedal) grade or better. We maintain an approved lock list on our website to help you determine if your lock is eligible for our Gold tier memberships. We will also consider approving locks for StableCare Gold on a case-by-case basis; simply reach out to us at hello@stablemobility.io and ask us.

Sold Secure ratings indicate a lock's level of resistance to attacks. Somewhat confusingly, Sold Secure ratings are also separated based on the type of vehicle.

Previously, Sold Secure had "bicycle"-class gradings and "motorcycle"-class gradings. Due to the recent explosion in personal electric vehicle types, Sold Secure has done away with the bicycle/motorcycle paradigm and shifted to a "pedal"-class and "powered"-class paradigm instead. In the process, they reclassified a number of locks, in part because a lot of locks can be used for both acoustic bicycles and PEVs.

If you examine the locks in the Sold Secure Gold (Pedal), Sold Secure Diamond (Pedal), and Sold Secure Gold (Powered) categories, you'll see that all of them require special tools to defeat, and thus protect against attacks from run-of-the-mill thieves without specialized power tools. From our research, we concluded that the differences in protection across these three Sold Secure categories is roughly the same. In other words, Sold Secure Gold (Pedal) locks offer about the same protection as Sold Secure Diamond (Pedal) and Sold Secure Gold (Powered).

In contrast, Sold Secure Diamond (Powered) includes locks that are highly resistant to angle grinder attacks, such as the Litelok X1, Litelok X3, and Hiplok D1000. These locks are significantly more secure than the lower categories, requiring multiple angle grinder discs and at least 5-10 minutes of continuous cutting to defeat. For this reason, we ofter a hefty discount for locks in this category.

# Diamond

StableCare Diamond Memberships are designed for riders who park their vehicle away from home at least a few times per month and have either:

  1. A Sold Secure Diamond (Powered) angle-grinder resistant lock; or
  2. Two (2) locks that are Sold Secure Gold (Pedal) rated or better.

In either case, the risk of theft for these riders is lower, and so we are able to offer a significant discount for these riders. If you have an expensive e-bike or e-scooter, Diamond tier memberships can save you a lot of money on your membership!

Just like with Gold tier, we offer annual and seasonal memberships at the Diamond tier. If you ride year-round, the annual membership is probably the right choice for you. If you only ride during the warmer months of the year, or don't park outside during the winter months, then a seasonal membership can save you some money.

# Steel

StableCare Steel Memberships are designed for riders who usually bring their ride inside with them wherever they go, but occasionally have to park outside. Instead of providing coverage each time you log parking, StableCare Steel members must use a Guardian Pass to get theft protection during their parking session. The price of the Guardian Pass depends on the amount of coverage you want. If you only park outside occasionally and don't want to pay for unlimited parking session coverage, StableCare Steel can be a more affordable option for you.

Steel Memberships have the same lock requirement as Gold Memberships: your lock must be Sold Secure Gold (Pedal) or better.

# Looking for other coverage options?

In collaboration with our members, we are actively expanding our coverage options to give fair and affordable coverage for a variety of circumstances. Currently, we are exploring how to provide coverage for the following scenarios:

  1. One rider, multiple vehicles: Maybe you have your premium ride, and your beater. Or your summer wheels, and winter wheels. We are looking into this case and are hoping to offer coverage for multiple vehicles at a big discount in the near future. We believe it doesn't make sense to charge you full price to cover multiple vehicles if you only ride one of them at a time.
  2. Two riders, one shared vehicle: Do you and your significant other share an e-bike or an e-scooter? Or maybe one vehicle is shared by a whole family? We are looking into ways to allow you to add additional riders to your membership.
  3. Theft protection for your child under 18 years of age: If you are looking for theft protection on behalf of your child, please contact us. Although it is not yet built into the app, we can provide theft protection for their vehicle. You (their parent or guardian) will be named on the StableCare Membership, but we can extend coverage to your child as the primary rider of the vehicle.

If any of these scenarios apply to you, or you have another unique scenario and want to inquire about coverage, please reach out to us at hello@stablemobility.io and let us know. We'd love to hear from you!

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