# Coverage

StableCare only covers theft, robbery, and burglary. StableCare Membership benefits do NOT include repairs, liability, or other coverage. If Members can provide receipts and costs of accessories, those may be included in theft protection through membership, subject to Stable approval.

Yes, you may add the cost of your lock(s) and accessories to your coverage, if you wish.

While we ask for a proof of purchase for your micromobility vehicle, we don't ask for proofs or purchase or receipts for your lock(s) or accessories by default. However, if your total coverage amount appears to be unusually high, we may request proofs of purchase or receipts for the other items you have covered via email.

Yes, we consider vehicle modifications to be accessories, and so can be added to your total coverage amount. If the vehicle mods are very expensive, we may ask you to provide a proof of purchase or receipt to ensure that we aren't providing coverage that far exceeds the total value of the items covered.

Yes. We consider a custom e-bike build to be an acoustic bicycle that has been heavily modified. As with other accessories and modifications, we may ask for receipts or proofs or purchase for the battery, electric motor, and/or other components that you used to convert the bicycle to an e-bike.

If you bought the custom e-bike pre-built (i.e., someone else did the modifications), then we will ask for some proof to show how much you paid for the custom e-bike.

Probably. If you bought the vehicle used (e.g., from a friend, Facebook Marketplace, etc.) and don't have a receipt for it, then you can elect how much coverage you want, up to the MSRP of the vehicle. Since uploading a proof of purchase is part of the process of completing your membership, just email us at support@stablemobility.io and explain why you don't have a proof of purchase.

Whichever you prefer. We recommend basing your coverage amount off the MSRP of the vehicle so that, in the event of a theft, you are able to get a replacement without any out-of-pocket costs. If you put in the sale price of the vehicle, and that sale later ends and the price goes up, then your elected coverage amount might not cover the cost of the replacement vehicle.

While insurance companies typically ask you to select a deductible amount, we instead ask you to elect how much coverage you want. The rate for an insurance policy typically decreases as you have a higher deductible amount because you are technically receiving less coverage. When it comes to theft, the concept of a deductible makes no sense, as the loss is an "all or nothing" event. So instead, you can decide how much coverage you want, up to an including the full MSRP value of the items you want covered.

No. Your membership price is based on the value of your elected coverage. Since your membership price doesn't change, and the elected coverage amount doesn't change, we don't consider depreciation at all when determining how much to pay out for a claim.

No. We don't believe deductibles make any sense when it comes to theft protection, since the loss you experience is an "all or nothing" event. If you want to lower your membership price, you can simply elect to have a lower coverage amount than the full value of your items.

# Quotes

Our instant quoting engine automatically generates your quote and sends it to the email you entered. You should receive the mock quote within a minute or two, if not quicker.

If you don't receive the mock quote within a few minutes, check your spam folder. If it didn't show up there, just send us an email at hello@stablemobility.io and ask. We'll get it sorted out for you!

Alternatively, you can view the mock quote live in the browser, which works both on desktop and mobile devices. On the last screen of the interactive form after you submit the request for a quote, you should see a button that says "View My Quote". Just click on that, and you'll be redirected to a browser-based version of the quote. A copy of the quote will still be sent to the email you provided.

A mock quote is a quote that shows you pricing and coverage options, but you can't buy StableCare from it. If you fill out the interactive form on our website, you'll receive a mock quote. You'll also receive a mock quote if you download our app and get a quote without having first registered a lock that's eligible for StableCare. Mock quotes received in the app aren't saved to your account.

A real quote is a quote that allows you can purchase a StableCare membership. If you register your vehicle and at least one lock that's eligible for StableCare (either because it's pre-approved, or because we manually approved your lock and updated your account) and then get a quote, you'll receive a real quote. This real quote is saved to your account. In addition, when viewing the quote in the app, you'll see buttons that say "Buy Now" which, if tapped, brings you to a checkout screen to complete the purchase of your StableCare membership.

No, not at this time. Currently, StableCare can only be purchased from real quotes obtained within our app.

We use the app as the primary way to manage your account. When you create an account, register your vehicle, and register your lock(s), we are able to determine your eligibility for StableCare. We may implement browser-based versions of our mobile app for managing your account in the future, but for now we are managing all of this information in our app.

# Locks

It depends. We can approve locks that are not on our list on a case-by-case basis, depending on the level of security it provides.

We based our approved lock list on the Sold Secure lock security standard. There are many locks on the market that haven't been rated by Sold Secure, but it doesn't mean that they aren't great locks. Our primary criteria for determining whether a lock is sufficiently secure for StableCare is whether the lock can be defeated with hand tools (e.g., bolt cutters) using ordinary human strength in a relatively short amount of time (i.e., in under 5 minutes).

If you already bought a lock that's not on our pre-approved list, don't worry! If you already downloaded our app, go ahead and register your lock to your account. Then, send an email to support@stablemobility.io to let us know that you want us to review your lock. If you don't have the app, you can also just email us the lock brand and model and ask us whether we'll approve it for StableCare. We'll get back to you within 24 hours to let you know whether or not we'll approve it and, if so, what StableCare plans you would be eligible for with that lock.

We require that you use a lock that meets a minimum level of security in order to be eligible for StableCare.

As a general rule, we only approve locks that are resistant to attacks from hand tools, such as wire cutters and bolt cutters. Whereas almost every lock on the market can be easily cut with a cordless angle grinder (except for the Diamond-tier locks, which includes angle grinder-resistant locks from Litelok and Hiplok), many locks are difficult or impossible to cut with bolt cutters. Bolt cutter attacks can be done in broad daylight, minimally drawing attention to a thief—even on a busy street. But angle grinders are much louder and produce a lot of sparks, and are therefore much more likely to draw attention from people walking by.

Our pre-approved lock list is primarily based around the Sold Secure standard. Pre-approved StableCare Gold-tier locks are rated Sold Secure Pedal Gold, Sold Secure Pedal Diamond, or Sold Secure Powered Gold.

However, we can and do approve locks that aren't on our pre-approved list, depending on the level of security that they provide. Just drop us a note at hello@stablemobility.io and let us know what lock you have, and we'll let you know within 24 hours whether we'll approve it!

# Parking Requirements

No. Parking at stables is not a requirement of StableCare theft protection. You can park anywhere, as long as you are able to properly lock up your vehicle to a substantially immovable object.

We strongly recommend that you log parking each time that you lock up, because it unequivocally demonstrates that you locked up prior to a theft incident. But we may approve your claim, even if you didn't log parking, provided that you are able to procure evidence to prove that you locked up.

We ask that customers take a few seconds to log parking when they lock up and want coverage because it proves that you locked up your e-scooter or e-bike prior to a theft incident. All existing speciality bicycle insurance companies have a similar lock-up requirement, but do not have an app for gathering this evidence. As a result, when a theft occurs, the burden is on the customer to gather evidence to prove that they complied with the terms of their agreement (i.e., take a photo of the broken/cut lock, send the broken lock to the insurance company, get security footage of the theft from a nearby camera, etc.).

The goal of logging parking is create more certainty for you in the event of a theft incident. Think of logging parking as your small contribution toward a collaborative effort to demonstrate that you locked up. If your e-scooter or e-bike gets stolen, we'll know exactly how you locked it up and will have no reason to question your story. You've helped us figure out what happened—then, we'll help you get a replacement vehicle! Without getting too philosophical, we've designed the claims process to be collaborative, not adversarial.

All that being said, you could choose not to log parking, but be aware that we may ask you for supplemental evidence to prove that you properly locked up your e-scooter or e-bike to a substantially immovable object in the event of a theft. In our opinion, the tradeoff of taking 5-10 seconds to log parking is worth the increased certainty as to the outcome of your claim, but we know that not everyone sees it this way!

Absolutely not! You do not have to log parking every time you park your e-scooter or e-bike. And we know that it's easy to forget sometimes—especially if theft isn't top of mind when you park somewhere.

We will not penalize you in any way for parking and not logging it—but, if you forget to log it, you won't have that key piece of evidence if your vehicle happens to get stolen that time. So we recommend making it a habit, especially if you plan to leave your vehicle unattended for longer than 5-10 minutes.

# Claims

The claims process is pretty straightforward.

  1. If you discover that your micromobility vehicle is stolen, go into the app and report it as stolen by visiting your membership page and tapping on the "Activate Benefit" button. As of the current app version, the only benefit we've implemented in the app is submitting a claim for reimbursement (but we are working on adding other benefits, like getting reimbursed for an Uber/Lyft/taxi home, etc.).
  2. Next, file a police report. Some police departments have forms that you can fill out online, and others require that you call their non-emergency number and ask to file a police report. We can help you with the script of what to tell them/enter into an online form.
  3. Get a copy of the report and upload it in the app under your membership (when you initiate a claim, a "Theft Claim" section appears under your membership with a button to upload the police report). If you only receive a case number or other reference to the police report, that's fine too—just email us to let us know.

That's all that we require on your end; it shouldn't take any more than 5-10 minutes of your time. Since we ask riders to log parking in the app when they park their micromobility vehicle away from home, we should already have photo evidence that you locked up, so we don't need a lengthy write up or explanation of what happened.

If you need help with any of the steps, just reach out to us at support@stablemobility.io! We see the claims process as a collaboration and want to help you as much as possible (we want people to share good experiences with us, not bad ones!).

We then review your claim to verify that it was stolen, and check that you filed a police report. Our goal is to complete this process within 24 hours in the vast majority of cases.

If we approve your claim, we will contact you about how you want to be reimbursed for your loss—either by buying you a replacement scooter (and any lock/accessories you might have had covered), or by transferring funds to you based on the amount of coverage that you asked for.

Once you have completed all of the requirements claim (reported in the app, file the police report, and upload a copy of the police report in the app), we will review it within 1 business day, if not the same day. At that point, we will make one of a few determinations:

  1. Approved: Your claim has been approved. We will contact you via the email you signed up with to propose an approach for how to replace your stolen items, and ask for your preferred shipping address. You may ask for a cash payout instead, and if so we will ask a few follow-questions (see the Qs and As below for more information).
  2. Need More Info: We have reviewed your claim and determined that we need more information from you to process the claim. For example, if you file a claim for a theft incident that occurred during a parking session for which you forgot to log parking in the app, we will ask you to upload additional evidence in the app to prove that your vehicle was properly secured, such as pictures of the broken lock, security video footage of the theft occurring, or anything else that you believe will be useful to demonstrate that you complied with our Terms. We will reach out to you via email to request specific info or supplemental evidence to help us process your claim.
  3. Denied: Your claim has been denied. We will contact you via the email you signed up with to explain why we denied your claim. At this point, you have an opportunity to appeal by emailing us back and making the case as to why our reasoning was flawed and/or presenting additional facts that you believe will help your case. We want to learn the truth of what happened, and would prefer to work with you to better understand what happened rather than deny your claim outright with an incomplete understanding of what happened.

Once we have approved your claim, we will coordinate with you to purchase a new micromobility vehicle of the same make and model, and have it shipped to your address. If you also elected to get coverage for your lock(s) and/or accessories, we will order replacements for them as well. We'll try to order these items within 48 hours of approving your claim, if not sooner.

How quickly you receive these items depends on whether they are in stock and the shipping times for each item. We cannot make any guarantees about delivery dates relative to when you file a claim or relative to when we order the replacement items.

If any of the replacement items are on backorder, are discontinued, or are otherwise not available within a reasonable time frame, we will work with you to determine a suitable alternative(s) at a comparable price. For example, if the lock you had was discontinued and a replacement lock is only $10 more expensive, we'll go ahead an order it for you! If no suitable alternatives are available, then we will work with you to determine how to transfer funds to you in the amount of your elected coverage less the cost of replacing your vehicle and/or other items, if any.

First, we expect that the reason that you purchased theft protection was so that, in the event of a theft, you are able to replace what was lost without having to pay for everything out-of-pocket. As such, it makes the most sense to order you the replacement parts.

Second, we want to try and replace everything you lost at no additional cost to you, if possible. For example, if you elected for $1,000 in coverage, but it turns out that replacing everything would cost $1,100, we would be be happy to buy the items even though the cost to us exceeds the coverage amount you elected. In other words, when buying replacement items, we will cover costs above your elected coverage amount if the cost reasonably exceeds the elected coverage amount.

If the cost to replace your stolen items far exceeds the elected coverage amount, then we'll work with you to determine what item(s) you want replaced, if any, and will transfer the remaining amount to you in your preferred method of payment. For example, if you only elected for $1,000 on an $1,800 e-scooter, then we will work with you to determine whether you want to get a replacement e-scooter that's approximately $1,000, or if you want $1,000 in cash sent to you to put toward your next e-scooter (i.e., to allow you to buy a used replacement at a discount, or just to put toward a replacement scooter.

Third, we prefer to purchase replacement items for you because we expect that people who will attempt to commit fraud will do so specifically to get a cash payout. We don't want to support thieves and fraudsters in any way, and we certainly don't want our customers membership payments being used to pay them out! As such, we approach any request for cash payout only with a reasonable amount of suspicion.

That being said, we know that there are many legitimate reasons why someone would prefer a cash payout instead of replacement items (e.g., your items have been discontinued or have a long lead time, your stolen scooter had serious quality issues and you wouldn't buy a second one, you want to upgrade to a newer scooter, you're experiencing hardship and needing the money more than the scooter, etc.). If you will only accept a cash payout, then we will likely ask you follow up questions to understand the reason you don't want replacements instead.

# Multiple Vehicles

Yes, we offer steep discounts for StableCare plans for additional vehicles.

Currently, multi-vehicle discounts are not yet built into the app or the quoting engine. If you want to receive a multi-vehicle discount, just reach out to us at hello@stablemobility.io and ask!

You should get a separate quote for each vehicle. We understand that this is a bit cumbersome, and are working on improving the product experience for riders with multiple vehicles.

Conceptually, think of each vehicle as having its own coverage. If you have a Ninebot Max and a Vsett 11+, each of them would be covered under their own respective StableCare memberships. For now, get a quote, complete the checkout process, and set up the membership for each vehicle.

If this all sounds too cumbersome, we are here to help! Just reach out to support@stablemobility.io for assistance. We can generate the quotes on our end and link them to your account, so all you have to do is review the coverage options and complete the checkout processes to purchase your memberships for each vehicle.

If you get coverage for multiple vehicles, we expect that you are only riding one of them at a time. Thus, we expect that you will only park one of them away from home at a time.

This means that you can only get theft coverage away from home for one of your vehicles at a time. This means that if you let a friend or family borrow one of your covered vehicles, only the vehicle you ride and park will be covered.

For theft coverage at or near home, all vehicles are covered all the time. For example, if you have two e-scooters and lock both of them up in your garage or back patio, and both of them get stolen, you can file claims for both vehicles.

No. You will only receive theft protection for the vehicle that you ride and park.

If you plan to lend your vehicle to a friend, family member, or significant other on a regular basis and want theft protection for it, please reach out to us at hello@stablemobility.io and let us know! We would be happy to extend you coverage for this scenario, albeit with a much smaller discount for your additional vehicles. Check out the section on shared vehicles below for more info.

Absolutely! You can use the same lock for multiple covered vehicles, so long as you don't ever need to lock up both vehicles at the same time.

For example, if you own two e-scooters and bring both of them indoors to your house or apartment's living space, then you share the same lock for both vehicles because (1) you don't need to lock up at home, and (2) you will only be riding and parking one of your e-scooters away from home at a time.

However, say that you own two e-bikes and store them in a back yard or patio (i.e., in a non-living space area at or near home). When at home, we require that you lock up your vehicle. Thus, you'd need a separate lock for each e-bike, since there's no way that you can have both of them locked at the same time with the same lock (especially when you ride one of the e-bikes away from home).

# Shared Vehicles

Generally, no, we only offer theft protection when you (the Member) rides and parks your vehicle. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule.

First, if your friend rides your vehicle, locks it up, and you log parking for them (e.g., you rode with them on a different vehicle that is not covered by StableCare), then your vehicle is covered for that parking session. This assumes that you're not parking another StableCare-covered vehicle yourself and therefore want simultaneous coverage for multiple vehicles.

Second, if we have manually approved your membership to be shared between two or more accounts (such that separate users can log parking with the same membership), any one of the members associated with the membership can log parking and enjoy theft protection. For example, if you and your significant other share an e-bike, we can link the same membership to both of your accounts, enabling either of you to ride and park protected under the same StableCare membership.

Third, if you have multiple StableCare-covered vehicles and have received explicit approval from Stable to share your vehicle, then of course your vehicle would be protected if someone else rode and parked it. The only requirement in this case is either that you (the Member) log parking, or that the person borrowing your StableCare-covered vehicle downloads our app, makes an account, and logs parking under their account. In the event that the vehicle gets stolen during that parking session, you (the Member) would need to share information about who logged parking so we could look up the parking record on our end to verify that the vehicle was properly locked to a substantially immovable object.

Not yet. We are aiming to add StableCare membership sharing in our app in Fall 2023/Winter 2024.

Before then, we'd be happy to set up vehicle sharing for you! Just reach out to us at hello@stablemobility.io and explain your situation.

# Family Plans

Absolutely! Just send us a note at hello@stablemobility.io and briefly explain what kind of coverage you're looking for, and we'll get back to you ASAP to explain how to get your child's vehicle covered.

We have a few features planned aimed at making it easy for a parent or guardian to purchase coverage for their child's e-bike or e-scooter, including a way for the parents to view their child's parked locations. Family plan features will be released some time in Q4 2023. If you have any specific feature requests that you think would be helpful for you, we'd love to hear them! Email us at hello@stablemobility.io to share your ideas and suggestions.

Yes, we are more than happy to work with you to get coverage for your whole family! Although it's not yet built into our app, we can manually set up billing so that your whole family can get coverage. Just reach out to us at hello@stablemobility.io and ask!

# The Stable Team

Yes, we are real people. If you want to hear from the founders, check out a few of the videos from the first episode of our podcast Grand Theft Micro.

Both co-founders of the company are laywers and have experience in risk management, financial technology, engineering, machine learning, and data science. Previously, we co-founded a company that built computer vision and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for analyzing elevator activity and performance, and for improving elevator safety.

And, more importantly, we're also both e-bike and e-scooter riders and are passionate about micromobility. We believe that micromobility will play a vital role in reducing road congestion and greenhouse gas emissions, and leads to significantly improved quality-of-life, especially in cities. We founded Stable to demonstrate our commitment to helping the micromobility ecosystem grow.