# Point and Tokens

# Points

Points represent how much you've contributed to the community. Points cannot be spent, and therefore only ever accumulate. As you use the app, your points will increase.

In the future, we may give special privileges or benefits to users that have at least some threshold amount of points or have reached a specific rank.

# Tokens

Stable Tokens are an in-app currency that can be spent on rewards, such as a Stable+ Membership.

Typically, the same number of points and tokens are awarded for completing some action, such as logging parking or mapping a stable.

Thus, points generally represent the total number of tokens you've earned, while tokens represent the current amount of in-app currency you have, minus the tokens you've spent on rewards.

# Buying Tokens

We made it possible to purchase Stable+ tokens for money, which is available under the Account & Settings Page > Stable+ Membership. This is primarily for riders that:

  • do not want to map Stables; or
  • want to throw us a few bucks to keep the lights on!

It costs us money to operate the service, so feel free to buy some tokens as a token of appreciation, if you feel so inclined.

In the future, we may give special privileges or benefits to users that have at least some threshold amount of points or have reached a specific rank.

# Ranks

As you earn points, you will level up your rank! As we add features to the app, users with higher ranks will be recognized for their community contributions and will be given unique privileges. If you have ideas for how to improve the points system, or suggestions for what privileges should be given to high ranking members, feel free to suggest them as new features—we'd love your input!

# List of Ranks

Rank Points Range Description
Settler 0-9 pts You're a newbie—and that's great! Try logging parking and mapping stables to earn points and level up your rank!
Explorer 10-49 pts You've played with the app and maybe even mapped a Stable. Start exploring your city and add more Stables to help others find parking when they need it!
Adventurer 50-99 pts You've meaningfully contributed to the community and have committed to this new adventure with us. Thank you for your contributions—and keep going to continue leveling up!
Trailblazer 100-299 pts You've taken a barren map and added the best places to park in your area—and have helped many others in your community find secure parking. Well done! Your efforts have made a sizeable dent in convincing others to use their PEV instead of a car!
Hero 300-999 pts You're a seasoned veteran—someone who walks the walk when it comes to making a difference. You've likely helped thousands of people in your city find secure parking, and will be remembered in the annals of Stable history.
(fkn) Legend 1000+ pts Congratulations! You have ascended beyond a mere mortal, and have become a true legend. As traffic congestion dwindles, air quality improves, and the climate change slows, you are overwhelmed with feelings of accomplishment. When historians write the tale of how we saved the planet from a runaway greenhouse effect, you are among the legends made it possible.

# Current Points and Tokens Awards

Here are the planned points and tokens awards for various actions within the app:

Action Points Awarded Tokens Awarded
Map a Post 1 1
Map a Stable 5 5
Verify your Account 10 10
Log Parking (1st time this month) 1 10
Log Parking (2nd time this month) 1 8
Log Parking (3rd time this month) 1 6
Log Parking (4th time this month) 1 4
Log Parking (5th time this month) 1 2
Log Parking (6th+ time this month) 1 1

We hope that these token awards make it easy enough for most users to earn at least 30 tokens a month through normal use of the app. Here are a few scenarios to illustrate:

  • Map 6 Stables = (5 x 6) = 30 tokens
  • Log Parking 5 times = (10 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 2) = 30 tokens
  • Log Parking 3 times & map 2 Stables = (10 + 8 + 6) + (5 * 2) = 34 tokens
  • Log Parking 2 times & map 3 Stables = (10 + 8) + (5 * 3) = 33 tokens

Do you think these points and tokens awards amounts could be improved? Feel free to give us your feedback here.